
This page has links to all the resources I made about the Iliad and the Odyssey.


My page on the Iliad, which has links to all the posts and resources I made (coming soon).

My book on the Iliad: Revenge and it’s Discontents.

My final essay on the Iliad.

Read the Samuel Butler translation of the Iliad (public domain; published 1898).

Read the Ian Johnston translation of the Iliad (revised 2010; a free modern translation).


My page on the Odyssey, which has links to all the posts and resources I made (coming soon).

My book on the Odyssey: 1001 Nights of the Soul.

My final essay on the Odyssey.

Read the Samuel Butler translation of the Iliad (public domain; published 1898).

Read the Ian Johnston translation of the Iliad (revised 2019; a free modern translation).